About Le Club Les GAZELLES
Club Les GAZELLES is a private social club aimed at business, professionals or women active in their community, interested in building a dynamic, united and engaged network. We offer events, workshops, conferences and training that pursue the following goals: education, information, entertainment and discovery.
The Club Les GAZELLES works with an annual membership.
Our Mission: To promote the optimal well-being of women individually and collectively. By women, for women.
Our goal: To bring together women of all nationalities, cultures, professions and beliefs with the aim of getting out of isolation and creating wealth by collectively building common spaces for exchange, co-creation and sharing.
We promote close ties between our members by emphasizing the importance of helping each other and the sharing of our respective networks.
To better meet our members' needs we explore their lifestyle and take a close look at their concerns, their objectives and their dreams.
Our major achievements in our 13 years of existence:
More than 300 women have joined us over the years;
We have organized more than a hundred activities;
A women's multicultural entrepreneurship tradeshow, Le salon des GAZELLES;
A chapter of Club Les GAZELLES abroad, in the city of Yaounde, Cameroon in Africa ;
Since May 31, 2019, the opening of The Dreams Incubator. A co-working space for women, where we offer training, support in entrepreneurship, rental of workspaces, conference rooms, space for events and a beautiful community to dream, nurture, create and carry out projects.
So if you are looking for:
- An organization where the development of women on all levels is at the center of every concern;
- An environment for you to flourish while building strong relationships with your peers ;
- A group of supportive women to support you in your projects;
- To participate in events that nourish the body, heart, soul and spirit;
- To contribute to the pooling of the networks of all the members;
- To invest in a movement of solidarity between women, Le Club Les GAZELLES will surely meet your needs.
Who is a GAZELLE?
A GAZELLE is a woman who nurtures her inner DIVA and takes responsibility for herself. She bites into life wholeheartedly while cultivating her appetite to
Live, Learn, Love and Laugh.